You’ve got sensitive skin, so you need to know how to take care of it. There are a few things you can do that will help, and there are a few things you can not do, that will also help.
The first thing is touching your face, without even being aware that you are doing it. Don’t worry, we’re all guilty of this one. Sit with your chin cupped in your hand all the time? Stop that, and you just look bored all the time anyway! That urge to scratch your nose, or mess with that annoying zit, is just going to have to be overcome. If not, all that gross bacteria from your hands gets fast-tracked to your face. Got any open wounds? (Yes, you do, you couldn’t leave that zit alone!) Now you’ve got that bacteria in there too. It’s crucial to train yourself to stop touching that lovely mug of yours, or at least wash your hands with soap before you do. You’ve been told it a thousand times: Use sunscreen! You thought it was just to avoid premature wrinkles. Well, it is, but the sun can also cause age spots and dryness. Do you really need more reasons? Buy a natural, gentle sun protectant with at least SPF30. Sunscreens with broad-spectrum formulas offer even more protection. It may seem counterintuitive if you have oily, or acne-prone skin, but you actually do need to moisturize. The truth is, that having oily skin is even more reason to moisturize. Moisturizers help hydrate your skin and also soothe redness. If your skin is acne-prone, or oily, use a non-comedogenic product, that doesn’t clog pores. When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? The answer needs to be: Once a week! If you aren’t regularly cleaning those little magic wands, all that dirt and oil on your face, and around the brushes, is being stored there. Uh, no, and you don’t want to Google any of those (many) stories, of people contracting live-threatening diseases from yucky make-up brushes. There are cleansers made specifically for cleaning makeup brushes, if you want to rush right over and do it now (Do it now!), you can clean them with shampoo and allow them to dry overnight. Your skin just thanked you. Since we are already touching on all the dirt in your life (pun intended), we cannot, and will not, leave out your popping pimples. We’ve already established that you are no longer touching your face, and pimples are the granddaddy of bacteria transfer. (Sorry Granddaddy.) Squeezing pimples transfers bacteria all over the place, and on top of it, can cause inflammation and infection. Also, fun fact: Your popping that pimple is effectively doubling its lifespan from a week to two weeks. We aren’t even discussing scarring right now. Stop ticking your pimples off, and instead, try to calm them down. Try treating them to a little spot treatment. There are lots of natural acne fighters, like tea tree oil, and products with Salicylic Acid, or Benzoyl Peroxide, that will kill bacteria, while it reduces inflammation. Your sensitive skin needs a little extra attention, that’s just how we sensitive beings are. So, take a minute, and show your skin a little love, and you’ll get loved right back. This is going to be the beginning of a growing relationship. Infinitely Natural has very beneficial, chemical-free products that will help with your skincare, especially if you have a dry skin type. Infinitely Natural includes natural skincare like lip balm, body cream, and body healing infusions that help repair skin, without using harsh chemicals. Check out Infinitely Natural and their all-natural skincare line now!
Having dry skin isn’t usually a serious condition, though it can be seriously annoying, and seriously unattractive. There are some things you may be doing to cause that dry skin, and you may not even know it.
Recognizing the signs of dry skin can be helpful in avoiding it in the future. Most often, dry skin is a temporary condition, but in some cases, it can be a lifelong issue. When it is temporary, it can be brought on a season, what you do for fun, or even where you live. While the symptoms and signs of dry skin can depend on things like your age, and your health, you are fairly likely to see a few of the warning signs. Often, the most common signal of lurking dry skin is a feeling of tightness in your skin. This is especially apparent after you take a shower, bath, or have been swimming. Another sign is skin that looks or feels rough, or feels itchy (pruritus). You may also see a little, or a lot, of scaling, peeling, or flaking skin. Cracks, or fine lines in your skin, or skin that looks red, or ashy-gray, are also some not-so-fun signs that your skin is too dry. So, you’ve seen the signs of dry skin, but how did you get it in the first place? If you live in an area that gets cold, your skin probably gets its driest in the winter. This is because outside temperatures dip, and with it, drop the humidity levels. If you live in a desert region, seasons may not matter all that much. If you use central heat, a wood-burning stove, space heater, or a fireplace to stay toasty in the winter, you’re also drying out your skin in the process. Like a super-hot shower, or lounging in a very warm bath? Unfortunately, your skin isn’t enjoying it as much as you are. Heavily-chlorinated pools are also famous for drying out your skin. You could be damaging your skin by the soap, and detergent you use too. Lots of the popular soaps, shampoos, and detergents are stripping the moisture right out of your skin because they are made to remove the oil. Stay far away from harsh soaps. Organic soaps or soaps made to be gentle on your skin are much better for your skin in the long run. On that note, there are a few other things you can do to avoid, and fix dry skin. Just as your grandma (and your mother, and your aunt, and that old lady next door) told you: moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Again, choose a gentle, natural moisturizer to baby that baby-soft skin. You should also limit your exposure to water. This means cutting that shower down to ten minutes or less and use warm, not hot, water. Bathing no more than once a day can also help. Be sure to take cover in cold, and windy weather. You already know winter can be tough on your skin, so wear a scarf, a hat, and some gloves, when you venture out into the cold. If you are going to take on some of those dirty dishes in the sink, slap on a pair of gloves to protect your hands from harsh cleanser, and hot water. Don’t let a little itchy, ugly, dry skin wreck your day. Grab some gentle soap, a little natural moisturizer, and get your poor dry skin, back to its glowing-self. If you are looking for ways to fix your dry skin, Infinitely Natural has many great benefits with its organic and all-natural skincare line. Infinitely Natural provides lip balms, face moisturizer, and body cream to help with specific types of skin, all while being chemical-free and all-natural so there is no irritation on the skin. Visit Infinitely Natural in Key Largo or online now for the best all-natural skincare, all handmade chemical-free products. The current climate has managed to stop most of us in our tracks. We’ve been forced to consider how we stay clean, and what we put into our bodies. Being more aware means we pay closer attention to what goes into the products we use, and how chemicals may be impacting us.
With that increased awareness, has come an emphasis on all-natural skin products. To be fair, who can we trust more than Mother Nature, when it comes to taking care of our skin? The answer is no one. Mother Nature did not bring harsh chemicals to our skin, nor did she offer us preservatives, artificial coloring, stabilizers, or nasty things called “aromatic agents”. Nope, what she did bring to us was a plethora of oils, awesome smells, and natural ingredients to keep our skin beautiful, naturally. Well, Nature is her name. Lots of popular skincare products contain long lists of harmful chemicals, yet many people assume this is the way you take care of your skin. Actually, these chemicals are being absorbed through your pores, and could actually be causing damage to your skin. Thankfully, Nature hasn’t totally given up on you and is still willing to take you on as a life-time skin client. But, you’ve got to wise-up, and fast. It’s time you know what’s what in the world of natural skincare, and then, start using it. The big kahuna in skincare is coconut oil. Coconut oil is likely the most versatile product, because it can be ingested, and applied topically. It can be used to treat dry skin, fortify skin tissue, and even protect your skin from sunburn. To top it off, this overachiever is a great antibiotic, that smacks around fungi, bacteria, and even some viruses that sneak around in your epidermis. Look for coconut oil in soaps, lotions, and hair products. Tea tree oil has had its roots in skincare for hundreds of years now. It goes way, way back in the treatment of skin inflammation and redness. It is also great for fighting acne without any of the nasty side-effects that come with other harsh treatments. Tea tree oil is also a natural antimicrobial, and antifungal. Grapeseed oil is another all-natural all-star in skincare. It’s also commonly used in a lot of foods. Grapeseed oil gets squeezed out of grapes after its wine ingredient has been extracted. It contains a ton of antioxidants, and a little secret weapon called linoleic acid, which reduces acne, and helps retain the moisture in your skin. Grapeseed oil, won’t clog your pores and is safe for sensitive skin. Use it as an eye cream, lighten dark circles, or try it on acne-prone skin. Clearly it makes sense to stick with Nature has been providing us all along. Mother Nature ain’t no fool. Chuck the chemicals and start taking care of that skin the right way (naturally). Using an All-Natural Skin Care Routine with Infinitely Natural benefits the skin as there are no harsh chemicals. Using Infinitely Natural’s many handmade skincare and organic products, you can treat and benefit your skin by improving what goes with all the beneficial ingredients that their products have. For more information, visit their website now! Been checking out your skin and thinking it looks dried out and dehydrated? That could be the case, but guess what? Your skin is might be dry OR dehydrated. Yep, they’re two different things and they don’t always hang out together. One of these guys is a skin type, and the other is a skin condition.
Turns out, dry skin is a skin type that makes an appearance, thanks to decreased oil production. Dehydrated skin, on the other silky-smooth hand, is a condition where the top layer of your skin contains less water than it should. Possible myth-buster: Anyone can have dehydrated skin, even those of us with oily skin. So, which is which? When you have dry skin, you’ve got less oil being produced. This shows up in the form of red, itchy skin. It can also look flaky and rough. Dehydrated skin often looks tight, and dull. It can also show signs of age earlier, with the added bonus of increased lines and wrinkles. How do we make this not happen? It’s all in skincare. Good skincare can help kick dry skin out of our red, flaky lives. This means you need to moisturize often, with heavy creams. Using a cream with ceramide can help replace the naturally occurring lipids that dry skin isn’t making naturally. People with dry skin tend to want to over-exfoliate. This isn’t a great idea, because over-exfoliated skin will strip your skin of those all-important lipids. Instead, opt for gentle cleansers, and an overall gentle skincare plan. For dehydrated skin, obvi—proper hydration is really important. Drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water each day, and avoiding caffeine, can keep you from making things worse. Thanks to all that hot dry at that we pump into our homes, and offices in the winter, dehydrated skin is more common in the colder months. Keep the air cooler in the winter months, and take shorter showers to keep from losing extra moisture. If you are experiencing the double-whammy of dry, and dehydrated skin, consider using a humidifier at night to help increase your skin’s water content. You also need to be aware that sun damage can cause chronically dehydrated skin. Increased free radicals from sun damage will cause dehydration. We can overcome it! Keep skin well moisturized, by using thick creams that contain ceramides, and oils. Use gentle cleansers in place of harsh soaps, to help keep from stripping your skin of its natural oils. You’ve got this! Grab some gentle skincare products and kiss dry, dehydrated skin goodbye. At Infinitely Natural, we specialize in all-natural skincare products like lip balm, body butter, body scrubs, and more! Everything we make is handmade, organic skincare, and is never tested on animals. Infinitely Natural all-natural skincare products are always chemical-free and shipped in sustainable packaging. We are your go-to for organic skincare and all-natural skincare. Shop online today or visit us in Key Largo. |
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